Friday, August 13, 2021

Free Choice Writing - Tree Hut Accident

We have been learning to write about a topic we have chosen.  My topic was about a tree hut falling on a person.  I enjoyed thinking about what to write.  I also enjoyed doing the picture.  Next time I will work on writing longer sentences.

Once upon a time there was once an old tree hut and  someone walked near it and it fell by them and one nearly got squashed. One did get squashed and their mum and dad were very sad. They moved their house on a big truck and lived near the boy who died.  Every night they would have tea by his grave. The boy who died was  11. His mum, dad and sister tried to move the tree but it was too heavy for them and they didn't want to use any machinery because they thought it was too mean. The way the tree fell was because the tree hut was hanging off the side of the tree and when the tree hut hit the ground it flew up in the air. 


Friday, August 6, 2021

Statistic Investigation

We are learning to:

  • Pose investigative questions.

  • Plan for and collect data.

  • Display data in tally charts, pictographs and bar graphs.

  • Make statements about data displays.

  • Answer the investigative question.

What I found hard is asking everyone in the classroom. I learnt how to make a bar graph and I learnt what tally marks are. What I found fun was going and asking people.


Reflection 2021

  This is my reflection about my time in Tui class. I enjoyed doing my reflection because I think I am getting faster at typing. ...